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Project HOPE


Apr 09 2018


12:00 pm - 1:15 pm


Forum for Scholars and Publics

011 Old Chemistry Building, Duke's West Campus Quad

Project HOPE

[ Click above to download the event poster ]


Project HOPE

Fighting Inequality in South Africa — A Fragmented Society

Join us for a conversation moderated by Duke History professor emeritus William Chafe about the Rev. Fr. Stefan Hippler’s experiences working with marginalized communities in South Africa through HOPE Cape Town.

Free and open to the public. A light lunch will be served. Co-sponsored by the Forum for Scholars and Publics and the Duke Human Rights Center at the Franklin Humanities Institute.


Rev. Fr. Stefan Hippler

HOPE Cape Town

Rev Fr Stefan Hippler has worked since 2001 in Cape Town, South Africa, sent by the German Catholic Bishops Conference to serve as chaplain to the local German-speaking Catholic Community. There, he discovered his passion for working with the marginalized, especially those stricken by poverty, HIV, AIDS, and dire social…...

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William Chafe

Duke University

William Chafe is the Alice Mary Baldwin Professor of History at Duke University. He is the author and editor of thirteen books. His work has focused on civil rights history, women’s history, and modern political history. He helped to start the Duke Oral History Program, the Center for the Study…...

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