Susan Lozier
Duke University
Susan Lozier is a physical oceanographer with interests in large-scale ocean circulation and its role in climate. She has been a member of the Duke faculty since 1992, where she now holds a distinguished chair in ocean sciences. Susan was the recipient of an NSF Early Career Award in 1996, was awarded a Bass Chair for Excellence in Research and Teaching in 2000, and received a Duke University Award for Excellence in Mentoring in 2007. She was named an American Meteorological Society Fellow in 2008, a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union in 2014, and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2015. She recently received an Ambassador Award from American Geophysical Union for leadership in the ocean sciences community and is currently the international lead for an ocean observing system in the North Atlantic. At Duke, Susan has served as chair of her department, as chair of Duke’s Academic Council, and as Vice-Provost for Strategic Planning.
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