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Emmanuel Hondré

Philharmonie de Paris

Emmanuel Hondré is a doctor of musicology and winner of four first prizes at the Conservatoire National de Musique et de Danse de Paris (history of music, aesthetics, pedagogy, and musicology). He currently directs the Department of concerts and spectacles at the Philharmonie de Paris. Previously he served as music editor at the Cité de la musique (1997), head of Cultural Services at the Musée de la Musique (2002) and Directeur of production at the Cité de la musique and the Salle Pleyel (2005). At the Philharmonie de Paris, he puts together an annual season of 500 concerts held in a five-hall artistic complex. Each thematic season is open to all genres of music and dedicated to the democratization of music. He is regularly invited to give lectures and master-classes on the musical profession, and on the management of culture and cultural politics (National Conservatory of Music of Paris and Lyon, Institute of Political Studies of Paris, University of Paris Sorbonne, Louis Vuitton Foundation of Paris, University of Saint-Etienne, Royal Conservatory of Amsterdam, Geneva High School of Music, Moscow Gnessin Academy, Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory of Saint Petersburg, Academy of Performing Arts of Saint Petersburg Petersburg, Shanghai School of Art and Culture, Wuhan National Music Conservatory, Duke University – USA). He is a member of various expert committees that promote musical exchange projects: Fonds franco-britannique Diaphonique pour la musique contemporaine (London), commission musique de la Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles d’Île-de-France (DRAC), French American Cultural Exchange (New York), Fonds franco-allemand Impuls pour la musique contemporaine (Berlin). He is regularly invited as a jury member in international competitions: International Competition of Opera Singers de Moscou (2012), International Competition of Opera Singers Saint Petersburg (2015), Shanghai Isaac Stern International Violin Competition (2016 & 2018), Concours international de musique de chambre de Lyon (2017), Concours International de quatuors à cordes de Bordeaux (2019), Concours de composition de Beijing (2019).

Bio Oct 2019