[wd_asp id=1]What is Antifa?
What Is Antifa?
Anti-fascism from 1930s Spain to 2020s North Carolina
Pundits debate whether fascism has returned. Nobody can deny, though, that "antifascism" is back. In the USA, and around the world, the idea of "Antifa" has had enormous influence in recent years. But what does it mean? Is everyone who opposes fascism an "anti-fascist," or is it a more specific group? What is the history of antifascism, and how did it travel from Europe to America? Join a group of European and American historians for a discussion of the long and fascinating history of antifascism: a history that involves radical Communist women in the 1930s as much as punk rockers in the 1980s. There will be plenty of time for discussion!
JAMES CHAPPEL is the Hunt Family Associate Professor of History at Duke University. His first book is about the Catholic Church in Europe, and it features a chapter on "Catholic anti-fascism."
DENISE LYNN is an Associate Professor of History and Gender Studies at the University of Southern Indiana. She studies gender, social movements, and race in the twentieth-century USA, with a special interest in American Communist women.
STUART SCHRADER is a research scientist in the Department of Sociology at Johns Hopkins University. He is a scholar of American social movements, and the author of Badges without Borders: How Global Counterinsurgency Transformed American Policing (2019).
Free and open to the public. Advance registration required. Sponsored by the Duke Human Rights Center at the Franklin Humanities Institute and the Forum for Scholars and Publics.
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