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Is Fascism Back?


Feb 16 2021


12:00 pm - 1:15 pm


Virtual Only

Is Fascism Back?

Is Fascism Back?

Trans-Atlantic Perspectives on the History of the Present

As soon as the Republican Party nominated Donald Trump, commentators began to sound the FASCIST alarm. How has a movement that originated 100 years ago in Italy traveled to contemporary settings from India to Brazil and Turkey to Hungary? As it traveled, did "fascism" become too vague to be useful? Does the history of Brown Shirts help us understand Proud Boys? Can support for the Nazi Party in the Great Depression help us to diagnose the Trumpist faction of the GOP? Against the background of impeachment proceedings in the US Senate, we’ll have a lively discussion about the nature of the danger we face.

DIRK MOSES, who joined the UNC History Department in 2020, has written extensively about genocide and global history, as well as about the long shadow cast by Nazism over German intellectual life. His new book, The Problems of Genocide: Permanent Security and the Language of Transgression, will appear this month.

CECILIA MARQUEZ is an assistant professor of History at Duke and has written a history of Latino/a people in the American South after World War Two, emphasizing the shift from an ethnic to a racial category. Her current research focuses on Latino/as and far-right politics in the USA.

CLAUDIA KOONZ, Peabody Family Professor of History Emeritus at Duke, in Mothers in the Fatherland described German women’s attraction to National Socialism and, in The Nazi Conscience, analyzed the institutions that mainstreamed racist contempt during the Third Reich.

Free and open to the public. Advance registration required. Sponsored by the Duke Human Rights Center at the Franklin Humanities Institute and the Forum for Scholars and Publics.

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