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Nouria Belmouloud

Duke University International Patient Services

Nouria Belmouloud was born and raised in Algeria and speaks English, French, Arabic, and Berber. She received her BA & MA in English Linguistics and Literature.

Nouria moved to the US in 1996 and has worked as an interpreter at Duke University Health System since 1998. In 2000 she received training of trainers and became a teacher of language access professionals with the CCHCP, the Cross-Cultural Health Care Program, whose mission is “to improve the health care of communities that face linguistic and cultural barriers to receiving health services. The CCHCP develops training programs for health care providers and for medical interpreters, provides a central resource center, and works with underserved communities and with institutions to change policies and procedures that create barriers to care.” In 2006 she became Supervisor of International Patient Services and Language Services at Duke.

Along with her team of trainers, Nouria has organized and facilitated Bridging the Gap for Medical Interpreters training sessions in the Carolinas. She is an active member of the International Medical Interpreters Association and of the Forum of Coordinators of Interpreter Services, North Carolina and South Carolina Chapter. She recently trained to become a TeamSTEPPS LEP (Limited English Proficiency) module trainer, to promote medical interpreters’ involvement in supporting a culture of safety for LEP patients. TeamSTEPPS (Strategies & Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety) with the Agency for Healthcare Research Quality, under the US Department of Health & Human Services, is “an evidence-based set of teamwork tools, aimed at optimizing patient outcomes by improving communication and teamwork skills among health care professionals.”