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Tweeting and Reading Zimbabwe Today


Oct 04 2016


12:00 pm - 1:30 pm


Forum for Scholars and Publics

011 Old Chemistry Building, Duke's West Campus Quad

Tweeting and Reading Zimbabwe Toda

Tweeting and Reading Zimbabwe Today

A Conversation with Tinashe Mushakavanhu

Join us for a conversation about contemporary politics and the arts in Zimbabwe with award-winning journalist Tinashe Mushakavanhu. In 2008, supporters of Zimbabwe’s leading opposition party, the MDC,  documented election results with cell phones, forcing the ruling party into a run-off and government of national unity. Since then, the role of electronic media has expanded, enabling new forms of civic engagement: a recent nation-wide general strike was successfully organized under the twitter hashtag #ThisFlag. As local print media wrestles with the rise of new media, Tinashe Mushakavanhu has been at the vanguard of a new generation of millennial writers leading and interpreting this transition. Through a rare window on the contemporary and future influence of “the word” in Zimbabwe, Mr. Mushakavanhu will discuss his on-line journalism and advocacy for richer reporting on Africa alongside his creative writing and editorial work with Professor Jaji (English), followed by an open discussion.

Co-sponsored by The Concilium on Southern Africa (COSA) and the Forum for Scholars and Publics. 


Tinashe Mushakavanhu

Tinashe Mushakavanhu is a writer and editor from Zimbabwe. If he is not reading books, or writing about books he is reading, he is busy tracking news about global politics, culture and technology on the social web. He was the first Online Editor to be appointed at Zimbabwe's oldest private newspaper, The…...

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Tsitsi Jaji

Duke University

Tsitsi Jaji is Associate Professor in the Department of English at Duke University, where she teaches courses on African American, African and Caribbean expressive cultures and exchanges among them throughout the global black world. Her research often focuses on representations of sound, music and listening, and engages feminist methods and theory. Jaji…...

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