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Re-Urbanism in Africa


Oct 07 2015


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


Forum for Scholars and Publics

011 Old Chemistry Building, Duke's West Campus Quad

Cities from Scratch - Re-Urbanism

Re-Urbanism in Africa

Building Large-Scale, Master-Planned, Holistically Designed Cities from Scratch

Re-urbanism in Africa and elsewhere involves the construction of master- planned, holistically designed, and privately managed enclaves that appear like “alien spaceships” that drop in from somewhere else. In this discussion, Martin Murray places the processes of urban planning in contemporary Africa in historical context and explores their social, political, and economic consequences. The commentator for this discussion is Anne-Maria Makhulu (Duke, Cultural Anthropology & AAAS). The format of the seminar is that the speaker will pre-circulate a paper, then spend 10-15 minutes at the beginning highlighting its main points (and adding some larger context, discussing trends in the recent literature), before the respondent will take a few minutes to raise discussion points.  Then we’ll open it to the room for discussion.

Light lunch served. This event is part of the series “The Future of the African City,” co-sponsored by the Forum for Scholars and Publics and the Duke Africa Initiative and organized by Professors John Bartlett, Charlie Piot, and Karin Shapiro. The African City Working Group is supported by the FHI Mellon Humanities Futures initiative.


Martin Murray

University of Michigan

Martin Murray is a professor in the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan. He began his academic career as sociologist with a strong foundation in urban geography. His current research engages the fields of urban studies and planning, global urbanism, cultural geography, distressed urbanism,…...

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Anne-Maria Makhulu

Duke University

Anne-Maria Makhulu is an Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology and African and African American Studies at Duke University. She received her Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Chicago in 2003. Her research interests cover: Africa and more specifically South Africa, cities, space, globalization, political economy, occult economies, neoliberalism, Marxism,…...

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